Menstrual Cycle Tip Print Out by Plōōm
How to live in balance from your first till your last cycle.
Snippet from my blog article based on the resources I have found to put together this chart. Please print me out at high resolution for a small donation. I hope it helps you navigate life as it has done for me, my friends and family.
Kind regards,
To read the full blog post article click here (snippet below only)
An overview of The Fasting Cycle
Resource: The Science (and Art) of Fasting for Women Dr. Mindy Pelz
Breaking down the menstrual cycle into three phases: the Power Phase, the Manifestation Phase, and the Nurture Phase, all named for the hormones influencing moods in each phase.
These names are designed to help you remember what the focus of each phase is. For example, during the power phase, the focus can be to lean in to longer fasts to accelerate healing, whereas during the nurture phase, slow down with fasting efforts and nurture yourself more with healthy foods.
Although the Fasting Cycle is built around a 30-day period, every woman has a different-length cycle. If you’re cycle is 28 days, then you will use this fasting system up to the 28th day. Once their period starts, move to day one again.
If you have a 32-day cycle, keep following the guidelines of the last phase—the nurture phase—until the period starts, then start the cycle anew.
While there are food and fasting suggestions associated with each phase of the cycle, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Experiment to see what works best for you.